Break from Work to help get Baby James here <3
Good Morning Students and Parents,
I hope you’re all keeping well and enjoying the summer holidays together!
I appreciate it isn’t ideal, but I’m going to take a digital break to help get me a little more relaxed and zen. If you could help me out by not emailing me, texting me or calling me until the arrival of baby James. I do appreciate it’s not ideal. As explained to my midwife, as someone who is self-employed and runs their own companies it’s a little hard to switch off but I need to try and get myself releasing more Oxytocin!
As someone who relaxing and switching off doesn’t come easy to, and a people pleaser, I’m finding the admin side of things isn’t helping.
When baby James is here I will of course let parents and students know, I love how excited everyone is to meet them but slightly feeling overwhelmed with the messages.
As soon as I have a routine set, I will be back digitally. I have pretty much done everything now for the dance school and next academic year. RE singing 1:1s, I have sourced singing teachers and will do a schedule asap but for now I just need to take a little break.
As always, thank you so much for the love and support over these past 9 months and hopefully it won’t be long now :)